The Truth Series - Book 1

The Truth About Vaping Nicotine

The amounts of dangerous, addictive psychoactive chemicals like nicotine manufactured into vaping devices are literally “astonishing” in their strength compared to just a few years ago. Vaping companies are making products that are poisoning their users. Nicotine vaping devices are manufactured to be addictive. The social and psychological profiling used to advertise these devices to our young people is very sophisticated. To make matters worse, young people looking to try vaping for the first time are bombarded with messages that nicotine is “legal and safe.” The bottom line is we are at war with multi-billion dollar actors who are manufacturing and selling these addictive devices and chemicals to teens and young people around the world. The casualties of this war are our children.

This volume is Book 1 of “The Truth Series.” It clearly describes the disastrous health and medical issues that come with the use of nicotine vaping devices while keeping the information accessible to the lay reader. If an adolescent or teenager states to an adult, “Prove to me that vaping is bad for my health,” the adult will now have ample ammunition (i.e., references at their fingertips) to show the unconvinced vaper why they should stop or not start vaping in the first place.

For example, suppose the parent, teacher, healthcare professional, or “vaper” desires information concerning a specific risk of vaping nicotine to sleep or cognitive function, the chapter headings plainly list the specifics of the chapter information to address their questions.

Dr. Eric Bornstein is a biochemist, dentist, and Photobiologist. He is widely published in peer-reviewed journals such as Current Trends in Microbiology and Compendium. Dr. Bornstein currently delivers CE webinars for the Institute for Natural Resources on the subjects of Vaping, Marijuana, Hallucinogens and Psychedelics, and Opioids.